
March 2025

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Bible Fellowship

Join our weekly Bible Fellowship at Church.

Welcome Place

A place to come to have a coffee or tea, to sit, chat or read, have a light snack at lunchtime, and to meet friends and enjoy some company. Our friendly volunteers will be available if you wish to chat – or just come to be quiet. Offered free of charge by Hounslow Methodist Church. Donations Warm church is free to attend, as are all the services provided there. However if you would like to make a donation in support…

Praying Together

Our weekly zoom prayer group. Join us as we pray for each other, the world and anything that is on your mind. Contact us for more information or to get the link.

Gujarati Methodist Fellowship

The Gujarati Methodist Fellowship meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday for Worship, Prayer and Bible Study at 2pm and are led by Revd. Heflin.