Sunday July 26th was a special Sunday at Bell Road as we were holding a ‘Seaside Celebration’. Taking as a starting point the stories of Jesus that had a seaside association, John and Ali led us through many thoughts and activities. Worship all together was a time of praise and thanksgiving – and a challenge based on the call of the fishermen disciples. We were challenged about being ‘fishers of people’ as we were encourage to pray for people to find Jesus in their lives and there was the opportunity to write names on fish shapes that were placed into a big fishing keepnet.

Then to the activities: our worries written on paper and made into origami boats that were floated away; shells, washed up wood and beads on to strings as ‘stories on a string to represent our memories a large corporate picture of a lighthouse; blessings written on flags and placed in sand; sand-picture postcards; picture frames decorated with shells that will be returned in September with a photo as we considered the importance of rest and recreation – all were enjoyed by all ages and there was lots of conversation. A prayer room with a variety of ‘seaside’ themed objects and words to encourage us to give thanks for happy times and to consider the beauty of creation and our responsibility of conservation, gave a quiet space. A group also met for a bible study that was also very much appreciated. Then all met together again to share, reflect and worship including sharing in a meditation especially written by Katrina for the occasion which summed up the thoughts and activities of the day.
By then it was lunchtime! Will had braved the rain and cooked a barbecue! ‘Barbecue on the beach’ became an inside meal but the atmosphere remained and all were thrilled that about 70 folk had stayed right to the end with more staying for as long as they could. A very happy family day that had touched people in many different ways.