Stewards Report

On record, the new church year began with 14 Church Stewards and 4 Holy Communion Stewards.

General Responsibilities of Church Stewards, to support and lead whenever possible in different areas of the church’s life and activities in agreement with our Minister. We are committed to our calling to serve with God’s love, guidance with compassion.  Together, we try to serve at the heart of our church community, caring and supportive to others. We share with our Minister, in confident and responsibly any concerns in regards to the church family and its ministry. Our Minister can be approached or contacted to share good news or unhappy news or just to seek appropriate advice or information.

Church Stewards and Holy Communion Stewards meet four times each year. Meetings are opened with devotions and reflections led by Rev Emma.  Getting together gives Stewards the opportunity to have discussions on the life and function of the church, refreshes our knowledge of Stewardship duties,  identify our learning needs, we discuss what we think we are doing well and what improvements might be needed to help us enhance our calling to serve.

We continue with team work, encouraging and supporting each other to use our different gifts and skills, to help each other develop confident to do God’s will faithfully and joyfully. We share the responsibilities in preparing for Sunday services. 2 or 3 Stewards are often on during Sunday morning services and one during evening services. We remain committed to ensuring that our church is seen to be a warm, caring, welcoming and friendly environment. However, we acknowledge and always appreciate the support of others serving and sharing their skills and gifts with enthusiasm.

The 4 Holy Communion Stewards are very committed to their calling and role. They are supportive, caring and serve well together. Thanks and appreciation to the Holy Communion Stewards, Books /welcoming Stewards, Readers, Church preparation volunteers, musicians, Refreshment volunteers and all others who support in some way to ensure that all are welcome at our church.

I am thankful to God for his guidance and wisdom during the many years serving as a Church Steward. I have been the Senior Steward for almost eight years. I feel Blessed that I have been encouraged, supported, challenged and developed spiritually during my time serving in this role. I am thankful for God’s grace and now wait patiently for his call and direction as I step down from Church Stewardship.

Lyneth Friday