Pastoral Letter – Do not worry

Pastoral Letter – Do not worry

26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 

Matthew 6: 26-34 (NSRVA)

Greetings from the Gujarati Methodist Fellowship.

For the last couple of months, in our Bible study, we have been focusing on the Gospel of Matthew and covering the basic topics of Christian life, while reflecting on the topic of ‘Do not worry’ from Matthew 6:25-34.

In our daily lives, we are always worried about so many things. We are not worry-proof and one way or another, we face a roller coaster of emotions and worries in our daily lives. Jesus knew that people during his time and in the generations after are going to face difficulties and anxieties due to various circumstances in our lives. Jesus tells them to “Look at the Birds. On so many occasions, we get lost in the hectic and busy nature of our lives, whether it be school, university, work, or the various other commitments we have in our lives. We do not have the time to slow down and stop to reflect and look at the birds.

If you visit the website, it states that there are more than 400 species of the birds in the UK. Isn’t this amazing? Wow!

Now the question is, when I am worried about something, do I ever think about the birds? The simple answer is No. I do not have patience to stop, wait and reflect. Jesus himself is providing assurance through His words. In Psalm 23, the psalmist proclaims that ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.’ If you continue reading, Jesus places the emphasis on focusing on spiritual things rather than on physical needs. He wants us to focus on more important things in our lives, which relate to His Kingdom.

Let us continue trusting our Lord and His Word and reflect on Him.

Rev Heflin Jani