Services on Lent
Changed from Glory into Glory
Readings Jeremiah 31: 31-34John 12: 20-33
Pure and Spotless, May We Be
Readings John 2:13-221 Corinthians: 1:18-25
Unseen – You Are The God Who Sees Me
Reading Genesis 16:1-16John 3:14-21
Unbounded Love
Readings Genesis 9:8-17Mark 1: 9-15
Jesus – The Liberator
Readings Luke 4:18-30John 8:1-11
Jesus – The Rabbi
Readings Psalm 25: 1-10Luke 5: 1-11John 3:1-11
Jesus – The Disturber of the Peace
Readings Matthew 10:24-42Luke 4:16-30
Jesus – The Restorer
Readings Psalm 103:1-12Luke 8: 26-39
Palm Sunday
Today we hear again the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, yet hailed as King. Rev Geoffrey Farrar helps us reflect on this special day as we begin our journey through Holy Week.
All Are Welcome (5th Sunday in Lent)
We are called to practice hospitality and to be a welcoming church. Rev Adam explores this further looking at scripture and challenges us to examine our own actions and the extent to which we welcome and accept other.
Listen Up! – Mothering Sunday
Our Lent theme is all about telling our stories and we have heard some inspiring testimonies and look forward to hearing more. It is good to talk and also good to listen. It has been said that as God created humans with only one mouth but two ears – maybe listening is more important than speaking! Rev Barbara explores this further by looking at scripture and examples from our daily lives. So… ‘Listen Up’!
Turning Tables (3rd Sunday in Lent)
Rev Adam reflects on this story where Jesus certainly disturbed the status quo. What can we learn from this story and how does it challenge us to ‘overturn the modern tables’ of injustice?
Complex Relationship (2nd Sunday in Lent)
Our relationships with different people around us – and with God – are varied and so often strange and complex. Rajie explores how we can find God through others and through scripture even in these “complex relationships “.
Wilderness Experience (1st Sunday in Lent)
Rev Adam explores how the wilderness experience can impact us, as we draw inspiration from other people’s stories and from scripture.
A Service for Palm Sunday
Service Sheet You can download a complete service sheet here. Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving Sermon A text version of this sermon is available here. Prayers of Intercession
Worship at Home
Order of Service Download the order of service containing the whole service here. Sermon, Readings and Prayers of Intercession (9,10,12,13) Download the transcript here In Christ Alone Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Senior Choir. Used with permission. He’s got the Whole World in His hands Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Reception classes used with permission.
Wrestling Jacob – Lent 2020
Revd. Geoffrey discusses the story of wrestling jacob and it’s relationship to the founders of methodisim, Charles and John Wesley, along with its relevence today. Reading: Genesis 32:22 – 33:10 If you wish to follow along with the hymn used in the reflection it can be found in Singing the Faith, No 164 “Come, O Thou Traveller from Above”.