Services by Revd. Adam Nyawo (Page 2)

Services by Revd. Adam Nyawo (Page 2)

Coming, Ready or Not!

This week we have Music from the Music group and Matt Beckingham, opening prayers from Rajie, intercessions from Rev. Barbara and Rev. Adam preach on “The Divine Victory”.

Lest we forget

Our service for Remembrance Sunday. Rev. Adam talks about our calling to be peacemakers. The order of service can be downloaded here.

Change Begins with a Bicycle – Harvest Festival

Our harvest worship this year is based on All We Can’s havest appeal “Change Begins with a Bicycle”. It features a videos from all we can, and a sermon from Rev. Adam where we learn all about his preaching bike when he first joined the ministry. You can give to the all we can harvest appeal, via the church, by clicking here. The hymns, campaign video and prayers of intercession where created by all we can and used with permission.

A New Way

In this weeks circuit service Rev. Adam is talking about “A New Way” with guests from around the circuit. You can download the order of service here.

A New Dawn Rises

This week is our first week back in the church building! It is also the start of a new journey for the church, from next week you will be able to watch the service live and join in from home! This week is acting a ‘test’ run for the technology. You can download the service sheet here, you can watch the full service or listen to the sermon on this page. There is a small issue with audio on some…

5000 for Dinner

For our circuit service this week we look at the feeding of the 5000. Rev. Adam preaches, with guests from across the circuit (and beyond) leading the prayers, readings and hymns.

A Living Hope

Welcome to this weeks service! The service sheet is available here. You can download text versions of the sermon and prayers here. We are currently holding a collection for Action for Children on this page. Donations and your regular collection to the church can be given in the usual way here. A Living Hope – Sermon with Rev. Adam Prayers with the Agyei-Kyem Family

The Father’s Song

You can download the order of service here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Verse Two – A Reading Verse Five – Zoom Sermon Verse Six – Prayers

Trinity Sunday

You can download the order of service here. A text version of the sermon is available here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Prayers are from RootsOnTheWeb Full Service Sermon Only

The Promised Helper

The Order of Service can be downloaded here. You can download text versions of the sermon and prayers of intercession here. Part 6 – Song Part 7 – John 14:15-21 Part 8 – The Promised Helper – Sermon Part 9 – Prayers of Intercession

Worship at Home

Order of Service Download the order of service containing the whole service here. Sermon, Readings and Prayers of Intercession (9,10,12,13) Download the transcript here In Christ Alone Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Senior Choir. Used with permission. He’s got the Whole World in His hands Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Reception classes used with permission.

Give your gifts to God – JMA Sunday

“From very small things, even the ordinary things, God can do extraordinary things”. Revd. Adam talks about the feeding of the five thousand and asks the question. How do we need feeding today? What can God do with our gifts?

Wonders of Creation

God has given us an incredible world and creation is a sign of His goodness. Can we see the wonder of God in the world? Why do we abuse it? How can we live in harmony with creation? Revd. Adam launches our campaign in his first service with us.
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