Services on Matthew
Grateful Hearts, Generous Hands
Readings Deuteronomy 15:7-11Matthew 13:24-30
Travelling through Life
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
Keeping it Real
Readings Micah 3: 5-12 Matthew 23: 1-12
Are you seeking Jesus?
Readings Psalm 119Matthew 11:28-30
Readings Isaiah 60: 1-6Matthew 2: 1-12
Faith, Hope & Love – Which is the Greatest
Readings Matthew 9:34 – 10:9Romans 5:1-8
A Justice Seeking Church
Readings Micah 3: 5-12Matthew 23: 1-12
Connecting with God, the World and Each Other
Readings Matthew 22: 34-40
Food for Thought
Readings Isaiah 55:1-5Romans 9: 1-5Matthew 14: 13-21
The Invitation is There
Readings Isaiah 22:1-14Matthew 22: 1-14
Change of Mind
Readings Exodus 17: 1-7Matthew 21: 23-32
When it Seems Unfair
Readings Matthew 20
Hidden Treasures
Readings Matthew 13: 24-43Matthew 13: 44-53
Jesus – The Disturber of the Peace
Readings Matthew 10:24-42Luke 4:16-30

Sweet and Sour
Readings Psalm 2Matthew 17:1-9
This Day
Reading Matthew 5:13-20
Blessed are you
Readings Micah 6:1-8Matthew 5:1-12
About Turn
Readings Isaiah 9:1-41 Corinthians 1:10-18Matthew 4:12-23
Unfolded Grace – Covenant Service
Readings Isaiah 42:1-9 Acts 10:34-43Matthew 3:13-17
There is Room for Refugees
Readings Isaiah 63:7-9, Matthew 2:13-23
There is Room for all Ages & Genders
Readings Isaiah 7:10-16 Matthew 1:18-25
There is Room for All of Nature
Readings Isaiah 35:1-10Matthew 11: 2-11
There is Room for Difference
Readings Isaiah 11:1-10Matthew 3:1-12
There is room for you and me
Readings Isaiah 2:1-5Matthew 24:36-44
Feather on the Breath of God
Bible Readings Isaiah 55: 1-13Matthew 14:22-33
Christ the King of Compassion
This week Rev. Barbara talks about the king of compassion and challenges us to live it out in the week ahead.
No Ordinary Saint
For all saints day John leads us in worship entitled “No Ordinary Saint”, we have the beatitudes lead by voices from our congregation and a different version of “We are marching in the light of God”. A written order of service is available here.
Am I Invited?
The order of service for this week can be downloaded here.
Talking of God Together
This weeks service was prepared by the Thursday Bible Fellowship. You can download the order service here. You can download an additional sheet with text versions of the reflections and prayers here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Prayers of Praise and Confession Psalm 63:1-5 Reflection: A Listening, Caring God Psalm 50: 1-3a Reflection: A Speaking God Prayers of Intercession Matthew 5:13-16 Reflection: Jesus as our Teacher and…
5000 for Dinner
For our circuit service this week we look at the feeding of the 5000. Rev. Adam preaches, with guests from across the circuit (and beyond) leading the prayers, readings and hymns.
If God is for us, who can be against us?
You can download the order of service here. A text version of the address can be downloaded here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Matthew 13:31-33 Romans 8:28-31 Address
I Will Give You Rest
This week is a full length service which is available either as a video or a worship sheet. You can download the worship sheet version of the service here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Full Service Prayers of Thanksgiving (Only) I Will Give You Rest (Only) The Rabbi’s Yoke (Sermon Only)
The Father’s Song
You can download the order of service here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Verse Two – A Reading Verse Five – Zoom Sermon Verse Six – Prayers
The Disciples Mission
You can download the order of service here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Four Hats – A Story The Disciples Mission – Address Prayers of Intercession
Trinity Sunday
You can download the order of service here. A text version of the sermon is available here. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Prayers are from RootsOnTheWeb Full Service Sermon Only
A Service for Palm Sunday
Service Sheet You can download a complete service sheet here. Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving Sermon A text version of this sermon is available here. Prayers of Intercession
Through Others Eyes
In his first service at Hounslow, Revd. Geoffrey Farrar uses the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard to challenge us to see the world and the scriptures through different eyes.
“Good Things Come in Threes” – Trinity Sunday
What good things come in threes? As it turns out, lots! Ali discusses Trinity Sunday.
“Workers in the Vineyard” – Circuit Welcome and Commissioning Service
Welcome and Commissioning service for Revd. Adam Nyawo and Commissioning of Ali Stacey-Chapman as Roehampton Urban Missioner. Revd. Michaela Youngson discusses the Workers in the Vineyard and its relevence today.
“The Bread of Life”
How many of you enjoy eating? We all do! I am sure. I certainly do. Satisfying our taste buds is one of the great pleasures in life. And because it is, eating is always a great topic of conversation. Everyone loves to talk about food! In fact, if you ever find yourself in a room full of strangers, one sure way to break the ice and get people talking is to mention food. Let me tell you a story. A…
Treasure – Sunday 4th October 2014
Readings Matthew 19:16-30 Philippians 3:7-12