Catch-Up (Page 5)

Catch-Up (Page 5)


You can download the service sheet here. Text versions of the videos (except reading) can be found in the additional sheet. If you enjoyed this service please consider giving a small amount to support the work of the church here. Hymn – Spirit of God, Unseen as the Wind Action Prayer Reading – Acts 2:1-21 Address Poem – A Picture of Pentecost

Aldersgate Sunday

Welcome to our service for Aldersgate Sunday, this week we tell stories from the life of John Wesley with hymns chosen by our very own ‘Mr Wesley’s Preachers’. You can download the service sheet here. Text versions of the stories can be downloaded here. Story One – A Brand Plucked from the Burning Story Two – A Heart Strangely Warmed Story Three – The World is my Parish

The Promised Helper

The Order of Service can be downloaded here. You can download text versions of the sermon and prayers of intercession here. Part 6 – Song Part 7 – John 14:15-21 Part 8 – The Promised Helper – Sermon Part 9 – Prayers of Intercession

Love Never Fails

The Service sheet can be downloaded here. You can donate to the Christian Aid coronavirus appeal here. You can give online to the church here. However this week we are encouraging donations to the Christian Aid appeal. Full Service Sermon Only

The Good Shepherd

Download the service sheet here. Text versions of the Psalm, Reading, Sermon and prayers of intercession can be downloaded here. Collection and Offering can be given online here. If you are finding these services valuable please consider giving a small amount to help support the church. 4. Psalm 23 7. John 10:1-10 9. The Good Shepherd 10. Prayers of Intercession

The Road We Walk

You can download the service sheet here. Text version of the Bible Studies and reflection can be downloaded here. Video and Audio versions Below. Collection and Offering can be given online here. If you are finding these services valuable please consider giving a small amount to help support the church. Dramatised Reading Bible Study One Bible Study Two Reflection

What Easter means for me

The service sheet can be downloaded here. Part 5 – Ring Out the Bells Words and Music by Mark, Helen and Naomi Johnson © 2018 & 2019 Out of the Ark Ltd, Middlesex TW12 2HD. CCLI Song No. 7119882l. Used with permission Part 9 – What does Easter mean to me? Part 10 – Not so doubting Thomas

Worship at Home

Order of Service Download the order of service containing the whole service here. Sermon, Readings and Prayers of Intercession (9,10,12,13) Download the transcript here In Christ Alone Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Senior Choir. Used with permission. He’s got the Whole World in His hands Recorded by the St. Mary’s and St. Peter’s CE School Reception classes used with permission.

Wrestling Jacob – Lent 2020

Revd. Geoffrey discusses the story of wrestling jacob and it’s relationship to the founders of methodisim, Charles and John Wesley, along with its relevence today.  Reading: Genesis 32:22 – 33:10 If you wish to follow along with the hymn used in the reflection it can be found in Singing the Faith, No 164 “Come, O Thou Traveller from Above”.

Through Others Eyes

In his first service at Hounslow, Revd. Geoffrey Farrar uses the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard to challenge us to see the world and the scriptures through different eyes.

“Love” – Fourth Sunday in Advent

In the fourth and final sunday in Advent, Naomi talks about Love. What is love? What does Gods love mean for us, and how should we act it out in the world? Can love be more than “being nice?”?

God of Life – 6th November 2016

Revd. Adam discusses the mystery of life after death and echos the question of Job; ‘If a man dies, will he live again?

Give your gifts to God – JMA Sunday

“From very small things, even the ordinary things, God can do extraordinary things”. Revd. Adam talks about the feeding of the five thousand and asks the question. How do we need feeding today? What can God do with our gifts?

Wonders of Creation

God has given us an incredible world and creation is a sign of His goodness. Can we see the wonder of God in the world? Why do we abuse it? How can we live in harmony with creation? Revd. Adam launches our campaign in his first service with us.

“The Bread of Life”

How many of you enjoy eating? We all do! I am sure. I certainly do. Satisfying our taste buds is one of the great pleasures in life.  And because it is, eating is always a great topic of conversation. Everyone loves to talk about food! In fact, if you ever find yourself in a room full of strangers, one sure way to break the ice and get people talking is to mention food. Let me tell you a story. A…

Crumbs! – Sunday 6th Septermber

Readings James 2: 1-17 Mark 7: 24-30 Sermon Text Sometimes when we read the stories of Jesus we begin to build a picture of Jesus and his divinity. Somehow our picture can become quite distorted. We build him into a plaster saint only fit for our mantelpiece. We put a halo around his head and develop a picture of someone who could do nothing wrong. Our gospel reading today I think gives a picture of a totally different Jesus. It…

23 August 2015

Readings Ephesians 6:10-20 John 6:56-69 Reflection When my husband was younger, he lived in South America for a while. His school organised a class trip while his family was still adjusting to the language, and so his Mum didn’t fully understand the letter that came with the permission slip. She sent him off to school that day in shorts and t-shirt, as usual. It turned out the trip was into the Andes, and he spent the day trudging through the snow…

Secrets and Stories -Easter Sunday

Readings Mark 16:1-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11  Signs and secrets Today, the fish is a symbol of Christianity that we use on keyrings and bumper stickers. But 2000 years ago, it played a much more dangerous role – 2000 years ago, when Mark’s Gospel was written, Christians lived in fear of their lives because the Roman Emperor Nero wanted to wipe them all out. The fish was chosen as a secret password, partly because Jesus’ disciples had been called to be…

Nagging Love – Mothering Sunday

Readings Psalm 107, John 3:14-21 Prayers Gathering Prayer God, our God, is rich in mercy. By God’s mercy, we are created; by God’s mercy, we know Jesus; by God’s mercy, we have been saved; by God’s mercy, we are forgiven; by God’s mercy, we are alive through the death of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Prayer of Confession Lord, we acknowledge that we have fallen short of your goodness. You are like the mother hen who…