Expressions of Gratitude
Readings 1 Samuel 1: 21-28Luke 17: 11-19
Not far from the Kingdom
Readings Mark 12: 28-34
The Legacy of Resilience
Readings Exodus 1:8-181 John 3:13
Lift Up Our Voices
Readings James 2:14-20
Persistent Faith
Readings Hebrews 4: 12-16Mark 10: 17-31
Grateful Hearts, Generous Hands
Readings Deuteronomy 15:7-11Matthew 13:24-30
What matters most?
Readings Proverbs 1-2, 8-9, 22-23Mark 7: 24-37
The Joy Of Forgiveness
Readings Psalm 51:1-7 Luke 7: 36-50
Travelling through Life
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
Travelling in Prayer
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
Travelling with God
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
Travelling Gracefully
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
Travelling Lightly
Summer is a time of travelling, so whether you are at home, sitting on the beach or a long way away you are welcome to join us for our online summer series. Each week a different preacher will explore an aspect of their journey, physical or spiritual in a short act of worship.
This week is John is exploring refugees and the bible? Why is God so often shown as the defender of the vulnerable? What does the story of Jesus calming the storm have to do with refugees? What does justice for refugees look like? Readings: Micah 6:1-9, Mark 4:35-41
Keeping it Real
Readings Micah 3: 5-12 Matthew 23: 1-12
Are you seeking Jesus?
Readings Psalm 119Matthew 11:28-30
Finding True Joy in Walking with Christ
Readings Philippians 3: 1-14Luke 10: 17-20
Readings Psalm 23: 1-6Mark 4: 30-32
The Rabbi’s Yoke
This morning we are celebrating vocation sunday. John asks, what does it mean to have a vocation in the church today?
Still Surprised by the Spirit
Readings John 15: 26-7, 16: 4-15Acts 2: 1-21
The Ascension
Can you imagine what is must have been like for those who witnessed this amazing event – Jesus ascending to heaven? Readings Acts 1: 1-11Luke 24: 44-53
Abide in my Love
Readings Psalm 98John 15: 9-17
This week John explores the story of Philip and the Ethiopian and asks the question. ‘What’s to stop us on this journey?’ Reading John 15:1-8Acts 8: 26-40
The Good Shepherd
This week we have a bible study around the story of the Good Shepherd.
Peace be with you
Jesus appeared to his bewildered and frightened disciples with a greeting ‘peace be with you’ and then shared food with them. We can only begin to imagine the wonder felt by the disciples! Deacon Richard reflects on Jesus appearing to the disciples, with music from the Bell Road Band. Readings Psalm 4Luke 24: 36-48
The Surprise and The Promise
In a bumper service including a baptism, confirmation, transfer of membership and communion Rev. Adam reflects on “The Surprise and The Promise” of Easter. Readings Mark 16: 1-8
Till We Cast Our Crowns Before Thee
Reading Mark 11: 1-11
Changed from Glory into Glory
Readings Jeremiah 31: 31-34John 12: 20-33
Finish Thy New Creation
Readings Numbers 21: 4-9 John 3: 14-21
Pure and Spotless, May We Be
Readings John 2:13-221 Corinthians: 1:18-25
Unseen – You Are The God Who Sees Me
Reading Genesis 16:1-16John 3:14-21
Unbounded Love
Readings Genesis 9:8-17Mark 1: 9-15
The Nature of God
Readings Mark 1: 29-39Luke 15: 11-32
Wine of Life
Reading John 2:1-11
Reading John 1: 43-51