Café Together at Bell Road has been open on Thursday evenings in November, December and January providing a free two-course home-cooked meal to anyone who comes whatever their need. Our guests range from people who are homeless or in temporary accommodation to those who are finding life very difficult financially and emotionally and are grateful for the meal and company.
We have a wonderful team of volunteers mostly from Bell Road and
St Mary’s, Osterley, with whom we share the evenings. Guests and volunteers eat together and many conversations happen over our meals, stories are shared, the world is put to rights many times over – and there is a fair amount of laughter too.

On 22nd December a full Christmas Dinner was enjoyed when over 40 meals were served to guests and volunteers and we enjoyed singing
carols together.
Café Together is moving to St John’s in Isleworth for February & March and to St Michaels & St Martins in April – and then we are back in May for another season at Bell Road.